Thursday, December 9, 2010

mari study sme2x .. part 2 ..

subjek : BMS ( basic medical science )
lecturer : miss shailaja

part b 

function of granular and agranular ( white blood cell )

1. eusinophills = eliminates worn and breaking down the histamine
2. basophills = promote inflammatory during allergic reaction
3. neutrophills = pass out the blood stream to the site of infection

1. monocytes = promote inflammation and immunity
2. lymphocytes = produces antibodies 

wall of artery and veins

artery - thicker
veins - thinner

OL ( outermost layer ) - TA ( tunica adventitia ) - FT ( fibrous tissue )
ML ( middle layer ) - TM ( tunica media ) - SMT ( smooth muscle tissue )
IL ( inner layer ) - TI ( tunica intima ) - SE 'E' ( squamous epithelium 'endothelium' )

definition of systolic and diastolic  

systolic - ventricle contraction , the higher level of pressure .
diastolic - ventricle relaxes , the lower level of pressure .

3 functions of lymphatic system 

1. returns the excessive interstitial fluid to the blood 
2. absorption of fats and fats soluble vitamins
3. transport all those substances to the venous circulation 

main function of lymph nodes

filter the lymph and remove the microorganism and other foreign particular


1. arises from the lymph tissue
2. present lining of some other organ in the body 
3. extra-nodal marginal zone b-cell lymphoma

differences between innate and adaptive system 

- non-specific defense
- inherent immunity ( born with )
- not attack any specific organism
- generic microorganism to prevent entry to the blood system like cell and tissue

- specific defense
- complicated because involved with lymphocytes
- involve in immune response

indications of inflammation

- local swelling ,compresses sensory endings
- promote healing when injury or pain because encouraged protection .
- exacerbated chemical mediator .

antibody ( IgA )

- present in tears , saliva , digestive tract and breast feeding
- protect body surfaces which exposes to the foreign substances .

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